EPIC - Electronic Profile Information Center
Your virtual warehouse of over 20 online assessments!
Deliver Inscape Assessments to Your Clients
and/or Employees through Your own EPIC Account*!
* - All assessments on EPIC are self-administered and self-scoring, therefore no special training is required to administer assessments through this platform
Get a FREE EPIC Account, when you purchase $100+ in assessments!
Call (843) 252-9966 or Toll Free 877-379-3793 to order
EPIC account holders get every credit for as little as $1.50*/credit, vs. the $2.95regular price, plus have total control on administering the assessments. Read below for more benefits on owning an EPIC account.
* - Click Here to see our volume discount prices!
One of the most exciting things to come from Inscape in recent years is not a product, but a product platform. EPIC (Electronic Profile Information Center) provides a simple way to deliver profiles/assessments via the internet. Here's how it works: As an EPIC account holder, you have access to all of Inscape's online profiles. From your PC, you can administer access codes that allow people to complete the assessments online. Once a respondent finishes answering the questions, the resulting report goes to the respondent or to you?you decide!
Products Available on EPIC
Currently, the following products are available on EPIC:
- DiSC Classic 2.0 & DiSC Classic 1.0
With 30 years of proven reliability and over 40 million users, DiSC® Classic remains the most trusted learning instrument in the industry. The new DiSC Classic 2.0 report answers the growing demand for a personalized report with expanded narrative. Its informal, conversational style brings to life all the elements of the original DiSC instrument.
- DiSC Action Planners
Choose from the DiSC Sales Action Planner, DiSC Customer Service Action Planner, DiSC Management Action Planner, and the DiSC Managing Performance Action Planner
- DiSC Classic Facilitator Report
This report provides a wide range of information about the target group and it is most useful for DiSC trainers
- DiSC Group Culture Report
The DiSC Group Culture Report explores the DiSC culture of your group. It helps you understand many important needs, goals, fears emotions and behaviors within your culture.
DiSC PPSS helps individuals and teams improve their effectiveness in a wide variety of business applications, such as:
- Relating to People and the Environment
- Strategies for Creating a Positive Relationship
- Strategies for Managing
- Approach to Managing Others
- Approach to Selling
- Strategies for Sales Management
- DiSC PPSS - Comparison of Multiple PPSS Report
The comparison of Multiple PPSS Report displays individual differences of each individual within the target group. It also contains a behavioral tendency continuum that displays each individuals behavior intensity (in 32 behavioral tendencies)
- DiSC PPSS - RBA (Role Behavior Analysis)
Determine how a role or function can be performed most effectively with this role behavior evaluation instrument. The Role Behavior Analysis (RBA) provides a practical process for defining behavioral expectations for specific roles, for comparing an individual's DiSC® behavior to the behavioral expectations of his or her current or potential role, and for developing strategies to meet role expectations.
- DiSC PPSS - RBA to RBA Comparison
The Comparison of Multiple RBAs report is one of several DiSC® PPSS Comparison Reports. This report examines the similarities and differences among a maximum of 15 different roles. Each role is charted on its own DiSC graph.
- DiSC PPSS - Comparison of Multiple PPS/RBAs Reports
The Comparison of Multiple PPS/RBAs report is one of several DiSC® PPSS Comparison Reports. This report looks at how a role or multiple different roles compare with the behavioral preferences of one or more individuals. The comprehensive analysis helps participants see which roles best match their behavioral requirements.
- DiSC PPSS - Comparison of Single PPS/RBA report
The Comparison of Single PPS/RBA report is one of several DiSC® PPSS Comparison Reports. This report looks at how the respondent's DiSC PPSS results compare with the behavioral expectations of a specific role. The assessment allows the participant to see how well his or her behaviors match the requirements of the role.
- DiSC® Classic - Team View
The Team View Report provides the DiSC pattern of each participant in the target group.
- Team Dimensions Profile
The Team Dimensions Profile helps individuals work from their strengths by identifying their most natural team role, while giving them added appreciation for the contributions of others.
- Time Mastery Profile®
The Time Mastery Profile® helps individuals set priorities and manage time more effectively by evaluating their effectiveness in 12 critical areas.
- Discovering Diversity Profile®
The Discovering Diversity Profile® helps employees learn how they respond to workforce diversity and where they need to develop increased understanding.
- Work Expectations Profile
The Work Expectations Profile helps employees identify their high work expectations and provides feedback on how to communicate them, get them met, and adjust them when necessary. The result? Increased productivity and reduced turnover.
- Personal Listening Profile®
The Personal Listening Profile® is designed to help people accept interpersonal differences and adopt behavioral strategies that foster considerate, collaborative, and effective relationships.
A number of group reports, facilitator reports, and comparison reports are also available on EPIC. For a comprehensive list of EPIC reports and an opportunity to review each report ? see the Sample Reports page.
Credits is the term used to describe the "currency" used in the EPIC system. Credits are needed to issue access codes for individual reports and generate group/facilitator reports. EPIC credits can be purchased Online by contacting your Inscape Distributor, E.G. Sebastian, at 1-877-379-3793 or by using the "Purchase Credits Online" feature of EPIC.
Getting Started
Take advantage of EPIC's many features and benefits to revolutionize the way you do business:
Gain Administrative Control
- Deliver reports where and when you want
- Manage just-in-time inventory
- Address the needs of multi-location businesses
- Run reports on customer purchases and response information
- Provide larger clients with sub-accounts, giving them administrative control
Power Your Brand
- Feature your logo and contact information on-screen and in print
- Associate your brand with high-tech delivery
- Cross-sell other profiles available on EPIC
Improve Your Bottom Line
- Build ongoing relationships with your clients and/or employees
- Regenerate reports as team members change
- Up sell your clients to higher margin products
- Reduce costs by eliminating shipping and handling charges
Good for your Clients
EPIC will quickly become your clients' preferred way to take delivery of online assessments. Why?
Increased Productivity
- Improved accuracy and ease of scoring
- Added training time
- Supports blended learning initiatives
Enhanced Report Options
- Get unique reports and features not available in paper profiles
- Build group reports from stored data
- Easily regenerate group reports as staff changes
Sub-account Availability
- Administrative control in your clients' hands
- Online help available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Additional Resources
Our Quick Start Guide and Quick Start Guide for Sub Accounts will get you and your clients off to a great start as you begin to manage online profiles through EPIC. For more comprehensive information, see the Primary Account User Guide and the Sub Account User Guide. See the EPIC System Requirements for what you need to use EPIC.
EPIC Sub-Account

Call (843) 252-9966, or Toll Free at 877-379-3793, or fill out the form below if you have any questions regarding setting up an EPIC account.